PrivacyX Consulting

The company was founded in April 2022 by Steve Wood, former UK Deputy Information Commissioner and Chair of the OECD Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy. Steve worked for the ICO for 15 years in total and 6 as Deputy. During this time he was also the UK representative on the European Data Protection Board, oversaw the ICO’s guidance functions during the implementation of GDPR, and led the development and implementation of the UK Age Appropriate Design Code.

Also see Steve’s LinkedIn profile. Contact: steve(at)

PrivacyX was set up to provide specialist consultancy advice and support on regulatory risk and compliance, and emerging policy issues related to data protection, AI and online safety.

The company also engages a network of other consultants to deliver larger projects.

The services have been provided to international governments, regulators, multi-national companies, universities and civil society. The services are focused on specific client need. We deliver agile and responsive advice and outputs. Crucially, our approach is grounded in deep regulatory and policy experience, and a growing range of experience working with commercial clients internationally.

Since 2022 PrivacyX have delivered a range of projects for clients:

  • Organisation design, policies, guidance and strategy for new DP regulators in the Middle East and Africa.

  • Designed an assessment for a privacy management programme at a multi-national technology company.

  • Development of a guidance document on B2B marketing for a trade body.

  • Advice on the implications of the UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill.

  • A research project on the impact of regulation on children’s digital lives.

  • A review of a regulator’s enforcement policy.

  • Policy advice to a start up providing age assurance services.

  • Policy advice to a research project related to the privacy implications of the metaverse.

  • Advice on regulatory engagement for a start up providing digital identity services.

Steve also undertakes a portfolio of other roles including Visiting Policy Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, Special Advisor to the House of Lords EU Affairs Committee, Senior Strategist for the Information Accountability Foundation and a Special Advisor to the magic circle law firm, A&O Sherman.