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Steve Wood. Blog Series: EU and UK Data Protection Regulatory Trends so far in 2024 (1) focus on consent, adtech and tracking technologies (2) focus on AI (3) focus on employee surveillance and biometric in the workplace. A&O Sherman October 2024.

Steve Wood and Jane Finlayson-Brown. Data governance: Strategic convergence, opportunities and risks. A&O Sherman. 11 September 2034.

Steve Wood. Global CBPR and the Long Dance towards Interoperability. June 6, 2024. IAF.

Lynn Goldstein and Steve Wood. A recent EDPB decision on criteria for a GDPR Main Establishment in the EU puts the use and benefits of BCRs potentially at risk. March 2024. IAF .

Steve Wood and Elizabeth Denham. IAF submission to the European Commission’s GDPR review report – more to be done to unlock responsible and accountable innovation. February 2024. IAF.

Steve Wood & Catharina Glugla. CJEU rules that a credit score constitutes automated decision making under the GDPR. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. January 2024.

Steve Wood & Emma Keeling. UK AI Regulation: latest developments and future direction. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. September 2023

Steve Wood. The Online Safety Act (OSA) is finally here - businesses now turn to implementation questions. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. September 2023

Steve Wood. Compensation claims under the GDPR unpicking the latest EU and English case law and looking ahead. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. May 2023.

Steve Wood et al. Happy birthday, GDPR – five lessons from five years of EU data protection law. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. May 2023.

Steve Wood. Global policy makers take further steps to support data free flow with trust. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. May 2023

Steve Wood. UK Data Reform is back: Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (no2) is laid to Parliament. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. March 2023

Steve Wood. Data Protection - Regulatory action and recent case law from the EU and UK courts. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. March 2023.

Steve Wood. The OECD breaks new ground with historic declaration on government access to private sector data. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. January 2023.

Steve Wood. Does the ICO's new transfer risk assessment tool offer a pragmatic solution to the Schrems II dilemma? Allen and Overy Digital Hub. January 2023.

Steve Wood. Calmer waters in sight? The European Commission publish their draft adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. December 2022.

Steve Wood. UK Data Protection and Digital Information Bill introduced into Parliament. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. July 2022.

Steve Wood. The UK and global data protection landscape – seeing the bigger picture and navigating the maze. Allen and Overy Digital Hub. June 2022.


Steve Wood. Children and Social Media Recommender Systems: How Can Risks and Harms be Effectively Assessed in a Regulatory Context? (pre-print article ahead of formal academic publication). October 2024.

Steve Wood. New laws and regulations around child safety and privacy raise significant questions. Thomson Reuters Institute. 1 October 2024.

Steve Wood. Global interoperability for data protection and privacy laws: steps forward but still work to do. Thomson Reuters Practical Law. 11 July 2024.

Steve Wood and Karishma Brahmbhatt. Are you afraid of the dark? children and dark patterns. PDP Data Protection and Privacy Journal. Volume 24, issue 5. April 2024.

Steve Wood and Elizabeth Denham. Children's privacy laws and freedom of expression: Lessons from the UK Age-Appropriate Design Code. IAPP. November 2023.

Steve Wood and Elizabeth Denham. Data protection trends in children’s online gaming. IAPP. September 2023

Steve Wood. OECD reviews government access, promotes interoperability. Privacy Laws and Business. International Report June 2022.


Business at OECD (BIAC) and United States Council for International Business (USCIB). Privacy, Immersive Technologies, and the Metaverse. July 2024. Contributor.

Steve Wood. The impact of regulation on children’s digital lives. Digital Futures for Children Centre @ LSE. May 2024.

Steve Wood, Marie-Charlotte Roques-Bonnet and Sebastian Page. Data Protection Authority Strategies: a global review of current practice. Independent report. March 2024.

OECD (2023). Moving forward on data free flow with trust: New evidence and analysis of business experiences. Contributor.

Presentations and conference panels

Moderator. Two panels at the Oxford Generative AI summit - (1) responsible AI and innovation (2) Generative AI and data protection. October 2024.

Keynote and panel. Emerging data protection risks and regulatory focus. Data Protection Network webinar. 25 June 2024.

Panel Chair. Building the case for Global CBPR as an Interoperable Accountability System from a Multi-stakeholder Perspective. Global Cross Border Privacy Rules Forum. Tokyo, May 2024.

Panel. Forging a Better Britain–Data, AI, and Online Safety-Paths to Digital Regulation IAPP Data Protection Intensive London, UK. March 2024.

Keynote. Addressing the risks of AI from the perspective of data protection regulation. Hong Kong University. International Conference: Enhancing Personal Data Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. 10 January 2024

Keynote. Generative AI and data protection compliance - global trends. Asia Privacy Bridge Conference. Seoul, South Korea. 11 October 2023. Slides available via slideshare.

Keynote. Generative AI and Africa. Data Protection Africa. Accra, Ghana. November 2023.

Panel. Generative AI and compliance with DP law. ILPC Annual Conference, London, UK. 23 November 2023.

Panel Chair. Generative AI, Privacy, and Data Protection. OxGen Summit Oxford, October 2023. YouTube recording.

Panel. How democracies protect both privacy and national security. CPDP, Brussels, May 2023.

Moderator. Fireside chat with Microsoft CPO Julie Brill. Venice Privacy Symposium. April 2023.

Panel Chair. Children's Privacy and Safety Online. Venice Privacy Symposium April 2023.

Panel Chair. Online Safety: The Interplay Between New UK Regulation and Data Protection IAPP Data Protection Intensive London, UK. March 2023.


Steve Wood, Bojana Bellamy and Alex van der Wolk. Thomson Reuters. Navigating the Global Data Transfer Landscape. February 2024.

Jane Finlayson-Brown and Steve Wood. Thomson Reuters. Cross border data transfers - market practice, difficulties and developments July 2023.


Steve Wood, Maeve Hanna and Ben Sprace. The Online Safety Bill: leveraging existing approaches to address new requirements? June 2023. Allen and Overy Podcast.

Steve Wood, Emma Keeling. Practical implications of the UK’s data reform plans. Allen and Overy podcast. August 2023.

Legal cases

Elizabeth Denham and Steve Wood. Amicus Brief Filed in Appeal of California Age Appropriate Design Code Act Injunction. NetChoice v. Bonta. 9th Circuit Appeal. Decemeber 2023. Also see Tech Policy Press.


Steve Wood and Dave Chaffey. Business Information Management. Prentice Hall/Pearson. 2005. Via Amazon.